– Service
Cloud Platforms

Transform your business into an intelligent enterprise with solutions from SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, GCP, Amazon, Adobe and more.

EMpowered by Innovation – Inspire the Next, the perfect experience, Intelligence Everywhere
Join Innovation

Reinvent and Lead
in the New.

Cloud Platform services helps your business to lead in the New. We combine the power of leading platforms—SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, GCP, Amazon and more—with our intelligence, innovation and industry capabilities to drive large-scale, platform-enabled transformation.

An intelligent platform is a combination of core platforms, cloud, digital, IOT, AI, machine learning, security, and New IT. Cloud Platform service is about the intelligent platform combined with innovation and deep industry experience.

We bring the best of evolution to you, join the platform revolution.

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Key Capabilities

Shape your business into
an intelligent enterprise.


Innovate at scale to accelerate digital transformation using Oracle-based solutions.


Transform your business and your customer experience with Microsoft solutions.


Open up to innovative technology and overcome the constant market challenges.


Lots of services, just ready to be used in your new race to the extraordinary.


Unlock the value of your SAP application portfolio, with the power of intelligence


Unleash the power of unforgettable customer experiences.

What we do?

Give you more control and greater overview with simple, powerful strategic agility

From the development of new applications, through modernization, management and maintenance, we cover all stages of the entire lifecycle.


Plan and deliver a foundational technology architecture to maximize scalability and performance.

Quality engineering

Achieve better experiences, faster responses, greater insights and
lower risks.

Software engineering

Turn innovative ideas into business differentiation with custom capabilities.

Data management

Be driven by the growth in the volume and variety of data, technology advances and data-led business models.

Strategic network partners

INNOVATE NOW – The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Cloud Platforms

Accelerate innovation and business value