– Service
IoT Cloud
& Embedded

Deliver intelligence everywhere through managed edge and IOT devices as data’s center of gravity shifts away from the core toward the edge.

EMpowered by Innovation – Inspire the Next, the perfect experience, Intelligence Everywhere
Join Innovation

IoT industry is the
game changer.

Connecting industry sectors such as mining, automotive, smart metering, logistics, retailing, smart-city, factories and warehouses will boost the industry’s efficiency, safety, reliability and ultimately profitability.

SVG Illustration

Key Capabilities

Wide range of services, from strategy to analytics, embedded designs and more.

IoT Network Core

Start your business on various platforms with one click.

EDGE Design

Evaluate your options better and learn more about them.

Data Analytics

Start your business on various platforms with one click.

Applied AI/ML

Deliver intelligence everywhere through managed edge and IOT devices as data’s center of gravity shifts away from the core toward the edge.

Data lead application

Unlock powerful analytics insights by tapping into data you didn’t even know you had.

Embedded Development

Leverage the skills and tools needed design and implement your dream.

What we do?

Give you more control and greater overview with simple, powerful strategic agility

From the development of new applications, through modernization, management and maintenance, we cover all stages of the entire lifecycle.


Plan and deliver a foundational technology architecture to maximize scalability and performance.

Quality engineering

Achieve better experiences, faster responses, greater insights and
lower risks.

Software engineering

Turn innovative ideas into business differentiation with custom capabilities.

Data management

Be driven by the growth in the volume and variety of data, technology advances and data-led business models.

Strategic network partners

INNOVATE NOW – The best way to predict your future is to create it.

IoT Cloud

Accelerate innovation and business value